About me
Gareth Thomson has been a resident of the Bow Valley since 1989, and served on Canmore Town Council from 1992-1995. He brings over thirty years’ experience in community engagement and environmental education: he founded and led the Alberta Council for Environmental Education as Executive Director for fifteen years, founded the education office of a conservation NGO before that, and began his career an environmental educator with Kananaskis Country.
Gareth has taught high school, been a judge for the Alberta Emerald Awards, and volunteered with Alberta Ecotrust Foundation on their grant review committee. He has an engineering degree, an M.Sc. in Environmental Geology, is a certified teacher, and has received awards for outstanding service in environmental education from provincial, national, and international associations.
Gareth lives in Canmore, where he divides his free time between parenting three exceptional young people, birdwatching, trail running and biking, and walking hand in hand with his wife Kelly.